Go to the AOL Mail Signup Page
Fill Out the Registration Form
- Enter your first and last name in the respective fields.
- Create a unique and memorable email address. It's helpful to try combinations of your name with numbers if your name is already taken.
- Choose a strong password. Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to enhance security.
- Enter your mobile phone number. AOL will use this to send security notifications and verify your identity if needed.
- Provide your date of birth and gender in the indicated fields.
Verify Your Account
- After completing the form, click on the "Continue" button.
- Check your phone for a verification code sent by AOL.
- Enter the verification code in the provided field on the AOL page.
Complete the Registration
- Once you’ve entered the verification code, click the "Verify" button.
- If everything is correct, you’ll be redirected to your new AOL Mail inbox.
- Congratulations! You have successfully created an AOL Mail account.