Set Up Google Cloud AI Environment
- Create a Google Cloud account if you don't have one, and enable billing to access AI services.
- Navigate to the Google Cloud Console and enable the APIs you require, such as the Vision AI or Natural Language API.
- Generate service account credentials. Go to the IAM & Admin section, create a service account, and download the JSON key file.
Prepare Your Codebase
Configure CircleCI for Google Cloud
- Log into CircleCI and set up your project. If your project is not listed, create a configuration for it.
- Add environment variables to CircleCI for Google Cloud credentials. Navigate to your project settings in CircleCI, and under Environment Variables, add a variable with the key `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` and the value that corresponds to the credentials JSON file path.
- Securely store the Google Cloud credentials in CircleCI. You can use base64 encoding to avoid storing the raw JSON, for example:
base64 /path/to/your/credentials.json
Paste the encoded string into an environment variable and decode it in your configuration like so:
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:14
- checkout
- run: echo $GCLOUD_JSON | base64 --decode > ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}
Create a CircleCI Config File
Test and Verify Integration
- Commit the changes to your repository. CircleCI should automatically trigger a build using your configuration file.
- Check the CircleCI dashboard to monitor the process and ensure all steps, including Google Cloud AI integration tasks, run successfully.
- Address any errors by reviewing logs available on the CircleCI dashboard.