Set Up Google Cloud AI Credentials
- Create a project in the Google Cloud Console. Enable the specific AI APIs you plan to use, such as the Natural Language API or Vision API.
- Navigate to the "APIs and Services" > "Credentials" section to create a Service Account. Download the JSON key file (e.g., `google-credentials.json`) to your local machine.
Create Your Heroku Application
- Set up a new Heroku application if you haven't yet done so. Make sure the Heroku CLI is installed and you have authenticated.
- Initialize a new Git repository in your project directory and create a Heroku app using:
heroku create
Integrate Google Cloud AI SDK
- Add the Google Cloud AI SDK to your project. For example, if using Python, you would install using pip:
pip install google-cloud-vision
- If you are using a different language, refer to the SDK installation documentation for that specific language.
Configure Environment Variables on Heroku
- Open the Heroku app dashboard in your browser. Navigate to "Settings", scroll to "Config Vars", and click "Reveal Config Vars".
- Add your credentials JSON file as an environment variable. For example, set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` variable with the content of the downloaded JSON:
heroku config:set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="$(<google-credentials.json)"
Securely Upload the Credentials to Heroku
- Since the Heroku environment is dynamic, ensure the credentials file is kept in a temporary location or set as necessary in your app startup script.
- Modify your application to load the credentials from an environment variable instead of a file when deploying on Heroku.
import os
import json
from import vision
credentials_json = os.getenv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS")
credentials_info = json.loads(credentials_json)
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient.from_service_account_info(credentials_info)
Deploy to Heroku
- Prepare your application for deployment. Ensure your application can dynamically detect the production environment and adjust configurations accordingly.
- Push your local repository to Heroku:
git add .
git commit -m "Integrate Google Cloud AI"
git push heroku master
Test Integrated Google Cloud AI Services
- Once your application is running, execute functions using Google Cloud AI to verify that the integration works. Monitor the logs for any errors:
heroku logs --tail
- If using a web interface, test AI-driven features directly through the UI to confirm everything works seamlessly.
Manage Heroku Configurations
- Consider using Heroku pipelines and review apps for a continuous integration and deployment approach, allowing for safer, incremental changes.
- Continuously monitor the usage of Google Cloud resources to keep track of expenses and optimize performance when necessary.