Set Up Google Cloud Environment
- Log in to your Google Cloud Console.
- Create a new project or select an existing project.
- Navigate to the "APIs & Services" dashboard and enable the necessary AI-related APIs (e.g., Cloud Vision, Cloud Natural Language, etc.).
- Generate a new key by navigating to "Credentials" and selecting "Create credentials" > "Service account key". Download the JSON file containing the API credentials.
Prepare Google Cloud AI Services
- Install the Google Cloud SDK on your local machine:
curl | bash
- Authenticate using the downloaded JSON key:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=path/to/your/credentials.json
- Set your Google Cloud project:
gcloud config set project your-project-id
Install Required Libraries
- Ensure Python is installed on your system, and install necessary libraries:
pip install google-cloud google-cloud-bigquery google-cloud-vision google-cloud-language
Process Data with Google AI
- Write a Python script utilizing Google Cloud AI service. For example, use Vision API to analyze images:
from import vision
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
def analyze_image(image_path):
with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file:
content =
image = vision.Image(content=content)
response = client.label_detection(image=image)
labels = response.label_annotations
results = [(label.description, label.score) for label in labels]
return results
Export Results to BigQuery
- To facilitate integration with Power BI, store results in BigQuery:
from import bigquery
bq_client = bigquery.Client()
def upload_to_bigquery(dataset_id, table_id, results):
dataset_ref = bq_client.dataset(dataset_id)
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_id)
rows_to_insert = [
{u"description": label[0], u"score": label[1]} for label in results
errors = bq_client.insert_rows_json(table_ref, rows_to_insert)
if errors:
print('Failed to insert rows', errors)
Connect Power BI to BigQuery
- Open Power BI Desktop and select "Get Data".
- Choose "Google BigQuery" from the list of data sources.
- Follow the authentication instructions, using your Google account credentials.
- Navigate through your projects and datasets to find the table holding your AI results.
- Load the table and begin creating reports and visualizations based on the AI-processed data.
Refine and Visualize
- Use Power BI’s tools to create interactive visualizations and dashboards.
- Refine the data model, relationships, and calculations to suit analytical needs.