
|  How to Integrate IBM Watson with Microsoft Excel

How to Integrate IBM Watson with Microsoft Excel

January 24, 2025

Learn to seamlessly integrate IBM Watson with Microsoft Excel for enhanced data analysis and AI capabilities. Follow our step-by-step guide today!

How to Connect IBM Watson to Microsoft Excel: a Simple Guide


Integrate IBM Watson with Microsoft Excel


  • Begin by ensuring that you have an IBM Cloud account and have set up the requisite IBM Watson services (e.g., Watson Language Translator, Watson Assistant, etc.). This step is crucial as it forms the basis for accessing IBM Watson APIs.

  • Proceed to create API keys and service URLs from your IBM Cloud dashboard. Store these in a secure location as they will be necessary for the API integration with Excel.


# This will be your example API key
apikey = "your-ibm-watson-api-key"
# This will be your example service URL
service_url = "your-ibm-watson-service-url"


Set Up Microsoft Excel


  • Open Microsoft Excel. Ensure that you have the Developer tab active. To activate, go to "File" > "Options" > "Customize Ribbon" and check the Developer option.

  • Navigate to the Developer tab and select "Visual Basic" to open the VBA Editor. This development environment is essential for writing scripts that enable communication between Excel and IBM Watson services.


Write a VBA Macro for API Integration


  • In the VBA editor, insert a new module by right-clicking on any of the existing objects in the Project Explorer and selecting "Insert" > "Module". This new module will host your macro.

  • Implement a macro to make API calls to IBM Watson. You will use VBA’s built-in `XMLHttpRequest` object. Below is a sample code snippet for making API requests:


Sub CallIBMService()

    Dim http As Object
    Dim url As String
    Dim apiKey As String
    Dim requestBody As String
    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    apiKey = "your-ibm-watson-api-key"
    url = "your-ibm-watson-service-url"
    ' Prepare your request body according to the service requirements
    requestBody = "{ ""text"": ""Hello, world!"" }"
    ' Construct the HTTP request
    http.Open "POST", url, False
    http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & Base64Encode("apikey:" & apiKey)
    ' Send the request
    http.send requestBody
    ' Handle the response
    If http.Status = 200 Then
        Debug.Print http.responseText
        Debug.Print "Error: " & http.Status & " | " & http.responseText
    End If

End Sub

Function Base64Encode(text As String) As String
    Dim arrData() As Byte
    arrData = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)
    Base64Encode = EncodeBase64(arrData)
End Function

Function EncodeBase64(arrData() As Byte) As String
    Dim objXML As Object
    Dim objNode As Object
    Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")

    objNode.DataType = "bin.base64"
    objNode.nodeTypedValue = arrData
    EncodeBase64 = objNode.Text

    Set objNode = Nothing
    Set objXML = Nothing
End Function


Execute the Macro in Excel


  • Return to Excel, and run your VBA macro by pressing "Alt + F8", selecting "CallIBMService", and clicking "Run". Make sure your active sheet can display the results or handle errors returned from the IBM Watson service.

  • Monitor for any errors or logs as indicated in the Debug.Print output. Adjust parameters and request headers as needed based on specific IBM Watson service requirements and your business use case.


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How to Use IBM Watson with Microsoft Excel: Usecases


Data-Driven Insights with IBM Watson and Microsoft Excel


  • **Integrating IBM Watson's AI capabilities with Microsoft Excel can enhance data analysis and decision-making processes.** Watson's advanced natural language processing and machine learning can process vast datasets and extract meaningful insights quickly.

  • **Utilize Watson to analyze textual data in Excel, such as customer surveys or feedback collected during campaigns.** Using Watson's Natural Language Understanding (NLU) service, you can identify sentiment, emotions, or key themes in the feedback, which can then be imported into Excel for further analysis and visualization.

  • **Automate the fetching and updating of data through Watson APIs directly into Excel spreadsheets.** For example, use Watson Discovery to extract the latest information on market trends and competitor analysis, ensuring that your Excel dashboard always reflects current data without manual intervention.

  • **Enhance predictive modeling in Excel by importing analytics from Watson Studio.** Use Watson's machine learning models to predict future sales trends, customer behavior, or supply chain disruptions, and visualize these predictions within Excel, providing actionable insights for stakeholders.

  • **Streamline workflows by using Excel as a flexible front-end interface to interact with Watson's cognitive services.** By creating automated Excel macros, you can simplify complex data processing tasks and allow non-technical users to leverage Watson's AI capabilities effortlessly.


import openpyxl  # Example of importing data from Excel
from ibm_watson import NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1
from ibm_watson.natural_language_understanding_v1 import Features, SentimentOptions

# Analyze text data from Excel using IBM Watson
xl_file = openpyxl.load_workbook('data.xlsx')
sheet = xl_file.active
text_data = [cell.value for cell in sheet['A'] if cell.value]

nlu_service = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(

sentiment_data = []
for text in text_data:
    response = nlu_service.analyze(

# Add sentiment analysis result back to Excel
for index, sentiment in enumerate(sentiment_data, start=1):
    sheet[f'B{index}'].value = sentiment




Enhancing Business Intelligence with IBM Watson and Microsoft Excel


  • Combine IBM Watson's AI capabilities with Microsoft Excel to elevate your business intelligence initiatives. Watson's powerful analytics and language processing can be harnessed to streamline complex data analyses directly in Excel.

  • Leverage Watson's language models to automate sentiment analysis of customer feedback stored in Excel spreadsheets. This empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions based on emotional tone and sentiment metrics identified in customer communications, providing meaningful insights for product or service improvements.

  • Seamlessly update Excel dashboards with Watson-powered insights using APIs. Integrate real-time data from Watson Discovery to reflect the latest market research findings, ensuring that strategic decisions are always based on current information available in your Excel sheets.

  • Enhance risk assessment and forecasting by importing Watson's predictive analytics into Excel. This powerful combination can help businesses anticipate market changes, enabling data analysts to visualize and interpret trends with greater accuracy within familiar Excel interfaces.

  • Utilize Excel as a user-friendly interface to interact with Watson's cognitive services, simplifying complex datasets for broader organizational access. Create Excel-based tools that enable non-data-scientists to leverage Watson's capabilities, advancing organizational data literacy and adoption of AI technologies across different departments.


import openpyxl  # Import Excel data manipulation library
from ibm_watson import NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1
from ibm_watson.natural_language_understanding_v1 import Features, EmotionOptions

# Load customer feedback data from Excel
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('customer_feedback.xlsx')
sheet = wb.active
feedback_data = [row[0].value for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_col=1) if row[0].value]

# Initialize IBM Watson NLU service
nlu_service = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(

# Perform emotion detection on feedback data
emotion_results = []
for feedback in feedback_data:
    analysis_result = nlu_service.analyze(
    emotions = analysis_result['emotion']['document']['emotion']
    emotion_results.append(max(emotions, key=emotions.get))

# Add analysis results back to Excel
for idx, emotion in enumerate(emotion_results, start=2):
    sheet[f'B{idx}'].value = emotion

# Save updated Excel file


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Troubleshooting IBM Watson and Microsoft Excel Integration

How to connect IBM Watson to Excel for data analysis?


Connecting IBM Watson to Excel


  • Use IBM Watson's API to integrate its services with Excel through a programming language like Python or JavaScript.

  • Install necessary libraries: If using Python, libraries like `pandas` for Excel interaction and `ibm-watson` for API access are crucial.


Access IBM Watson API


  • Obtain API credentials from IBM Cloud Dashboard by creating an IBM Watson service instance.

  • Store your API key and URL securely as they'll be used in your code.


Python Code Example


import pandas as pd
from ibm_watson import AssistantV2
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator

authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('your_ibm_watson_api_key')
assistant = AssistantV2(version='2021-06-14', authenticator=authenticator)

data = pd.read_excel('your_file.xlsx')
# Process data and interact with Watson as needed


Analyze and Process Data in Excel


  • After interacting with the IBM Watson API, manipulate and analyze the response in Excel using pandas or export results.

  • To save outputs back to Excel, use `data.to_excel('output_file.xlsx', index=False)` in Python.


Why is my IBM Watson data not updating in Excel?


Possible Causes


  • Data source API limits might restrict updates. Check IBM Watson's API limitations in their documentation.

  • Excel's data connection settings may not be configured correctly. Inspect the connection's refresh settings.

  • The external data source URL might have changed. Confirm the URL used in Excel matches the one provided by IBM Watson.


Troubleshooting Steps


  • Verify your IBM Watson account credentials; incorrect login details can halt data updates.

  • Check network connectivity and ensure there are no firewalls blocking requests to IBM Watson.


Code Review


  • Ensure your Excel sheet uses updated API endpoints. Example Python script to verify connection:


import requests

response = requests.get('https://api.ibm.com/watson/your_endpoint')


How to use IBM Watson NLP with Excel text data?


Integrate IBM Watson NLP with Excel


  • Export your Excel text data to a CSV file for easier handling.

  • Ensure that you have an IBM Cloud account and access to Watson NLP services.


Setup Python Environment


  • Install necessary libraries with: `pip install ibm-watson pandas openpyxl`.

  • Retrieve API key and URL from your IBM Cloud account for Watson NLP.


Process Text Data


  • Read the CSV in a Python script using Pandas: \`\`\`python import pandas as pd df = pd.read\_csv('yourfile.csv') \`\`\`

  • Initialize the Watson NLP client: \`\`\`python from ibm\_watson import NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1 from ibm_cloud_sdk\_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator

    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('your-api-key')
    nlu = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(version='2021-08-01', authenticator=authenticator)


  • Analyze data: \`\`\`python responses = [] for text in df['text\_column']: response = nlu.analyze(text=text, features={'keywords': {}}).get\_result() responses.append(response) \`\`\`


Output Results


  • Store results back to Excel: \`\`\`python results\_df = pd.DataFrame(responses) results_df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False) \`\`\`


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