Set Up IBM Watson Service
- Create an IBM Cloud account if you haven't already and log in.
- Navigate to the "Catalog" and select the Watson Service that you wish to use (e.g., Watson Assistant, Watson Language Translator). Choose the desired plan that fits your use case.
- Once the instance is created, go to the dashboard and select your service. Note down the API key and URL. You will need these for authentication purposes.
Set Up New Relic Account
- Sign up for a New Relic account if necessary, and log in to the New Relic dashboard.
- Follow any onboarding steps and note your New Relic License Key from your account settings. This license key is crucial for sending data to New Relic.
Install IBM Watson SDK in Your Application
- Make sure your application environment is set up (e.g., Node.js, Python).
- Install the IBM Watson SDK in your application. For Node.js, run:
npm install ibm-watson
pip install ibm-watson
Configure Your Application to Use IBM Watson
- Import the required modules in your application. For example, for Node.js:
const AssistantV2 = require('ibm-watson/assistant/v2');
const { IamAuthenticator } = require('ibm-watson/auth');
- Initialize the Watson service client using your API key and URL:
const assistant = new AssistantV2({
version: '2020-04-01',
authenticator: new IamAuthenticator({ apikey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>' }),
serviceUrl: '<YOUR_SERVICE_URL>',
Integrate New Relic Agent
- Download the New Relic agent for your specific language. For Node.js, install:
npm install newrelic
pip install newrelic
Configure New Relic Agent
- Create a `newrelic.js` configuration file in your Node.js application and populate it with your New Relic License Key and application name.
exports.config = {
app_name: ['Your Application Name'],
logging: {
level: 'info',
- For Python, generate a New Relic configuration file using:
newrelic-admin generate-config YOUR_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY newrelic.ini
Monitor Watson Service Data with New Relic
- Start measuring the performance metrics of the IBM Watson service by wrapping operations in New Relic custom metrics or transactions.
- For Node.js, include the New Relic module at the very top of your application's entry point file:
- For performance insights, create custom New Relic transactions that correspond to IBM Watson interactions.
- Validate that data is being reported to New Relic by checking the dashboards for your application's metrics and Watson transaction data.
Troubleshoot and Optimize
- Review your New Relic dashboard to ensure that data from IBM Watson services is being captured and properly displayed.
- Utilize the insights gained from New Relic to identify and rectify any bottlenecks in the integration.
- Regularly update both IBM Watson SDKs and New Relic agents to maintain compatibility and leverage new features.