
|  How to Integrate Keras with Jira

How to Integrate Keras with Jira

January 24, 2025

Learn to seamlessly integrate Keras with Jira, boosting your project management and machine learning efficiency in a streamlined, efficient manner.

How to Connect Keras to Jira: a Simple Guide


Understanding the Integration Requirements


  • Identify the objectives of integrating Keras with Jira. Typically, this involves reporting model training status or results to Jira for project management and documentation purposes.

  • Ensure you have a running Jira instance and access to its API for creating and updating issues.

  • Verify that you have a Python environment set up and Keras installed, along with necessary libraries like `requests` for making API calls.


Setup Jira API Access


  • Generate an API token in Jira to authenticate API requests. Go to your account settings, then security, and create a new API token.

  • Note down your Jira domain and project key. These will be used in API endpoints to interact with specific issues.


Prepare Your Environment


  • Ensure Python is installed, preferably Python 3.6 or higher for compatibility with Keras.

  • Install necessary libraries by running:


pip install keras requests


Set Up Keras Callback for Integration


  • Create a custom Keras callback to send updates to Jira. This callback will trigger at defined points during the training process.


import requests
from keras.callbacks import Callback

class JiraCallback(Callback):
    def __init__(self, jira_url, api_token, project_key, issue_summary):
        super(JiraCallback, self).__init__()
        self.jira_url = jira_url
        self.headers = {
            'Authorization': f'Basic {api_token}',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        self.project_key = project_key
        self.issue_summary = issue_summary
    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        issue_data = {
            "fields": {
                "project": {
                    "key": self.project_key
                "summary": f"{self.issue_summary} - Epoch {epoch + 1}",
                "description": f"Completed epoch {epoch + 1} with accuracy {logs['accuracy']:.4f} and loss {logs['loss']:.4f}.",
                "issuetype": {
                    "name": "Task"
        response = requests.post(f"{self.jira_url}/rest/api/2/issue", headers=self.headers, json=issue_data)
        if response.status_code == 201:
            print(f"Created Jira issue for epoch {epoch + 1}")
            print(f"Failed to create Jira issue: {response.content}")


Integrate the Callback into Your Model Training


  • Instantiate the `JiraCallback` with your Jira credentials and add it to the list of callbacks when fitting your model.


jira_callback = JiraCallback(
    issue_summary='Model Training Update'

model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10, callbacks=[jira_callback])


Test Your Integration


  • Run your model training and observe the console output for successful Jira issue creation messages.

  • Log in to Jira and verify that issues are created and updated as expected with the training progress.


Troubleshoot Common Issues


  • If issues are not created, check the API token and authorization headers for correctness.

  • Ensure your Jira URL and endpoints are correct, especially if using a self-hosted Jira server.


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How to Use Keras with Jira: Usecases


Machine Learning Model Workflow with Keras and Jira


  • Setting Up the Project


    • Begin by organizing your project in Jira. Create user stories for all tasks related to your machine learning model, including data collection, preprocessing, model design, training, and evaluation.

      <li>Use Jira to assign these tasks to team members, set deadlines, and prioritize work based on importance and dependencies.</li>


  • Data Collection and Preprocessing


    • Track data-related tasks in Jira. Add documentation or links to data sources directly within Jira tasks for easy reference by the team.

      <li>Use Keras to construct preprocessing pipelines and keep logs of datasets and transformations. Iteratively update Jira tasks with any changes in data requirements or preprocessing strategies.</li>


  • Model Design and Implementation


    • Collaboratively brainstorm model architectures and record important design decisions in Jira comments or as separate tasks.

      <li>Leverage Keras for writing and testing model prototypes. Document progress and insights in Jira, adjusting tasks as needed based on experimental outcomes.</li>


  • Training and Tuning


    • Create specific Jira tasks for training jobs and hyperparameter tuning sessions. Use Jira to monitor performance metrics over various experiments.

      <li>Use Keras callbacks for logging regular training updates and automatically attaching these logs to related Jira tasks for insightful reporting.</li>


  • Evaluation and Deployment


    • Document evaluation results in Jira, including any necessary adjustments or retraining tasks prompted by model performance.

      <li>If deploying models, use Jira to track deployment tasks and potential issues. Record any bugs or performance bottlenecks discovered during this phase as Jira bugs or improvements.</li>


  • Monitoring and Maintenance


    • Regularly check model performance in production environments. Use Jira to log monitoring data and deterioration factors.

      <li>Create Jira tasks for scheduled maintenance, updates, and the testing of retrained models.</li>



Integrating Keras and Jira for Streamlined Machine Learning Development


  • Initial Project Planning


    • Leverage Jira to organize your project roadmap by creating epics and stories that encompass all facets of ML development like data acquisition, model creation, and tests.

      <li>Assign and prioritize tasks using Jira’s interface to ensure your team understands each phase and allocated resources efficiently.</li>


  • Data Handling and Preparation


    • Utilize Jira to track data source identification, acquisition, and any transformation tasks. Include documentation links in Jira for easy reference.

      <li>Implement data pipelines using Keras and systematically update Jira with task-specific notes related to dataset features and pre-processing steps.</li>


  • Model Development


    • Draft detailed user stories in Jira regarding model architecture ideas and responsible individuals for various tasks like layers adjustments and optimizers selection.

      <li>Prototype and iterate your models in Keras, capturing advancements in Jira comments to keep the team aligned on current model performances and changes.</li>


  • Training, Validation, and Tuning


    • Generate Jira tasks for model training sessions. Include hyperparameter tuning endeavors and use tracks to monitor performance statistics collected from these experiments.

      <li>Employ Keras callbacks to capture critical training run data, coordinating with Jira to automatically append insights, providing real-time feedback to the project task board.</li>


  • Comprehensive Evaluation and Ready Deployment


    • Centralize all evaluation outcomes in Jira. If retraining is necessary due to findings, initiate new stories promptly within Jira.

      <li>For deployments, Jira can track deployment activities where bugs or debugging issues arise, ensuring organized tracking and quicker resolutions.</li>


  • Post-Deployment Monitoring and Updates


    • Routinely review production model performance, logging surveillance data and any operational downturns in Jira.

      <li>Structure periodic Jira tasks for maintenance and model refreshment, documenting anticipated updates and retraining specifications.</li>


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Troubleshooting Keras and Jira Integration

How to connect Keras model outputs to Jira issues for task automation?


Connect Keras Model Outputs to Jira Issues


  • Prepare your Environment: Install necessary libraries like `tensorflow`, `jira`, and `requests` in your Python environment.

  • Build Keras Model: Train your Keras model and ensure that it outputs results in a format suitable for task automation.

  • Authenticate Jira API: Use API token for secure access. Set `JIRA_URL`, `USERNAME`, and `API_TOKEN` in your environment variables.


from jira import JIRA

options = {'server': 'https://your_jira_instance.atlassian.net'}
jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=('email@example.com', 'API_TOKEN'))


  • Process Model Outputs: Analyze outputs to determine actions, like creating or updating Jira issues based on model predictions or classifications.

  • Automate Jira Tasks: Use Jira API methods to connect outputs with Jira. Create issues dynamically as needed based on model predictions.


issue_dict = {
    'project': {'key': 'PROJ'},
    'summary': 'Keras Model Alert',
    'description': 'Model detected a significant event.',
    'issuetype': {'name': 'Task'},
new_issue = jira.create_issue(fields=issue_dict)


How do I integrate Keras predictions into Jira dashboards or reports?


Integrate Keras Predictions into Jira


  • Generate Predictions: Use Keras to generate predictions in a `.csv` or any structured format.

  • Prepare Data for Jira: Format your Keras predictions to match Jira's acceptable data inputs. Ensure that your data includes columns like 'Issue Key' and 'Prediction Score'.

  • Use Jira REST API: Automate data transfer by utilizing the Jira REST API to update dashboards with prediction data.


import requests
import pandas as pd

# Load predictions
data = pd.read_csv('predictions.csv')

# Setup Jira credentials
auth = ('your_email', 'your_api_token')
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

# Update Jira
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    issue_key = row['Issue Key']
    prediction = row['Prediction Score']
    url = f"https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/{issue_key}"
    payload = {'fields': {'customfield_10000': prediction}}
    requests.put(url, json=payload, headers=headers, auth=auth)


  • Dashboard Integration: Add a field in Jira dashboards to visualize the predictions by including the custom field that stores prediction data. Customize with Jira gadgets for better display.


What are common errors when using Jira API with Keras Python scripts and how to fix them?


Common Errors and Fixes when Using Jira API with Keras


  • Authentication Issues: Jira API requests often fail due to improper authentication. Verify that the authentication tokens or API keys are valid and not expired. Ensure your request headers include 'Authorization'.

  • Rate Limiting: Too many requests in a short time might trigger rate limits. Implement request throttling or retry mechanisms to handle rate limits appropriately.

  • Compatibility with Dependencies: Keras and packages like 'requests' used for API calls may conflict. Ensure all libraries are up-to-date and compatible.

  • Session Management Errors: Establish proper session handling if multiple requests are made. This can be done using Python's 'requests.Session()'.

  • Data Handling Errors: When fetching or posting data, ensure the JSON is correctly serialized. Use libraries like 'json' for formatting.


import requests

session = requests.Session()
response = session.get(url, headers=headers)


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