
|  How to Integrate Keras with Trello

How to Integrate Keras with Trello

January 24, 2025

Discover seamless integration of Keras with Trello in this guide. Streamline your workflow and boost productivity with expert tips.

How to Connect Keras to Trello: a Simple Guide


Setup the Environment


  • Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from the official Python website.

  • Install Keras and TensorFlow, since Keras is often used as a high-level API that runs on top of TensorFlow.

  • You will need to use the Trello API. Create an account on Trello if you haven't already and generate an API key and token. These will be necessary for accessing Trello from your Python script.


pip install keras tensorflow requests


Access Trello API


  • Install the necessary Python libraries to work with HTTP requests. `requests` library is commonly used for this purpose.

  • Create a Python script and start by importing the libraries: `requests`, and any other necessary libraries.


import requests


Authorize and Connect to Trello


  • Create functions to handle authorization – this will typically involve your API Key and Token.

  • Store your API key, token, and any necessary information such as board ID and list ID that your app will interact with.


api_key = 'your_api_key'
api_token = 'your_api_token'
board_id = 'your_board_id'
list_id = 'your_list_id'

def get_trello_auth_params():
    return {"key": api_key, "token": api_token}


Integrate Keras Model


  • Begin building or loading a Keras model. You can use a pre-trained model for simplicity, or train your own model as needed.

  • This integration step is crucial for making predictions or processing data that will later be sent to Trello.


from keras.models import load_model

model = load_model('your_model.h5')

def predict(data):
    return model.predict(data)


Interact with Trello


  • Craft HTTP requests that interact with Trello’s API to create cards or update lists based on the model predictions. Use the `requests` library for this.

  • Ensure correctly handling request responses to log successful API calls or diagnose errors.


def create_trello_card(name, desc):
    url = f"https://api.trello.com/1/cards"
    query = {
        "idList": list_id,
        "name": name,
        "desc": desc
    response = requests.post(url, params=query)
    if response.ok:
        print(f"Card created: {response.json()['id']}")
        print(f"An error occurred: {response.text}")


Automate the Process


  • Set up a loop or a triggered function that periodically checks new data, makes predictions with the Keras model, and creates or updates Trello cards accordingly.

  • Use job scheduling libraries like `schedule` in Python to automate the time intervals at which your script runs.


import schedule
import time

def automate_integration():
    # Example of automation loop
    # Replace `data` with actual data input to your model
    prediction = predict(data)
    create_trello_card("Prediction Result", f"Result: {prediction}")


while True:


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How to Use Keras with Trello: Usecases


Automating Machine Learning Model Management with Keras and Trello


  • Streamline communication and project updates by using Trello as a central hub to track machine learning projects developed with Keras.

  • Create Trello cards for various stages of model development, such as dataset preparation, model training, and evaluation. This helps keep the team organized and focused on tasks.

  • Track experiments by attaching Keras model training logs and results to corresponding Trello cards. This allows easy access and review for team members.

  • Use Trello automation (Butler) to trigger actions based on card movements, such as notifying stakeholders in Slack when a model reaches a certain stage of development or completion.

  • Link Trello cards with GitHub or other version control systems to ensure code changes related to Keras models are documented and easily accessible.


Sample Code for Keras and Trello Integration


import requests

# Define Trello API credentials
api_key = 'your_trello_api_key'
token = 'your_trello_token'
board_id = 'your_trello_board_id'

# Function to create a new card in Trello
def create_trello_card(card_name, list_id, description=''):
    url = f"https://api.trello.com/1/cards"
    query = {
        'key': api_key,
        'token': token,
        'idList': list_id,
        'name': card_name,
        'desc': description
    response = requests.post(url, params=query)
    return response.json()

# Example usage: Create a Trello card for a new model training session
list_id = 'your_trello_list_id'
card_name = 'Training CNN Model on New Dataset'
description = 'Initiating training phase for new dataset using Keras CNN architecture.'
create_trello_card(card_name, list_id, description)


Benefits and Impact


  • Enhances collaboration by making all information related to Keras models accessible in one platform, Trello.

  • Reduces error by automating notifications and actions, ensuring that important tasks are not overlooked.

  • Improves project management through detailed task tracking and documentation, facilitating easier handovers and updates.

  • Boosts productivity by leveraging Trello's automation features, allowing teams to focus more on data science and less on administrative tasks.



Efficient Collaboration and Deployment with Keras and Trello


  • Utilize Trello to organize and manage the development workflow of machine learning models built with Keras. This provides a transparent view for all stakeholders.

  • Assign Trello cards to different phases in the ML pipeline such as data preprocessing, model building, testing, and deployment. Cards can be moved across lists to indicate progress for each task.

  • Attach dataset descriptions, Keras model architecture diagrams, and performance metrics directly to Trello cards to ensure all team members have easy access to key information.

  • Incorporate Trello’s calendar power-up to schedule key milestones and deadlines for model training, ensuring timely delivery of results.

  • Integrate Trello with Jenkins to automate deployment processes. When a card is moved to a "Ready for Deployment" list, Jenkins can trigger scripts to deploy Keras models to production environments.


Sample Code for Keras Model Logging to Trello


import requests
from keras.callbacks import Callback

# Define Trello API credentials
api_key = 'your_trello_api_key'
token = 'your_trello_token'
board_id = 'your_trello_board_id'
list_id = 'your_trello_list_id'

# Custom callback to log Keras training progress to Trello
class TrelloLogger(Callback):
    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        card_name = f"Epoch #{epoch + 1} Results"
        description = f"Loss: {logs['loss']}, Accuracy: {logs['accuracy']}"
        self.create_trello_card(card_name, description)

    def create_trello_card(self, card_name, description=''):
        url = f"https://api.trello.com/1/cards"
        query = {
            'key': api_key,
            'token': token,
            'idList': list_id,
            'name': card_name,
            'desc': description
        response = requests.post(url, params=query)
        print(f"Trello card created: {response.json()}")

# Example usage: Set TrelloLogger as a callback during model training
model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10, callbacks=[TrelloLogger()])


Advantages of Integration


  • Promotes effective collaboration by centralizing all ML project resources on Trello, making it accessible to developers, project managers, and business stakeholders alike.

  • Facilitates error tracking and resolution by maintaining a detailed log of experiments and outcomes directly within Trello.

  • Streamlines deployment cycles through automation, leveraging Trello’s seamless integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins for efficient model deployment.

  • Ensures a smooth project workflow by visualizing all stages of ML development, thereby helping teams anticipate risks and manage workloads effectively.


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Troubleshooting Keras and Trello Integration

1. How can I send Keras model training logs to Trello?


Set Up Trello API


  • Create a new Trello API key by visiting Trello's developer portal. You'll need this to authenticate API requests.
  • Generate a token with appropriate permissions for accessing your Trello board.


Install Dependencies


  • Ensure you have the `requests` library installed for making HTTP requests to the Trello API.


pip install requests


Modify Keras Callback


  • Create a custom Keras callback to send logs to Trello after each epoch.


import requests
from keras.callbacks import Callback

class TrelloLogger(Callback):
    def __init__(self, api_key, token, board_id, list_id):
        self.url = f"https://api.trello.com/1/cards"
        self.params = {
            "key": api_key,
            "token": token,
            "idList": list_id

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        card_name = f"Epoch {epoch}: {logs}"
        self.params["name"] = card_name
        requests.post(self.url, params=self.params)

# Example usage: model.fit(..., callbacks=[TrelloLogger(api_key, token, board_id, list_id)])


Integrate Callback into Training


  • Pass the `TrelloLogger` callback to the `callbacks` parameter in your `model.fit()` method.


model.fit(..., callbacks=[TrelloLogger(api_key, token, board_id, list_id)])

2. How do I automate task creation in Trello after Keras model training?


Integrate Trello with Keras


  • Ensure you have Trello's API key and token by visiting their developer portal. These credentials are essential for API interactions.


Post Keras Model Training


  • Assuming you have a Keras model trained and evaluated successfully. Identify the section immediately after training where you wish to automate Trello task creation.


Automate Task Creation with Python


  • Utilize Python's `requests` library to send data to Trello's API.


import requests

def create_trello_card(api_key, token, board_id, list_id, card_name):
    url = "https://api.trello.com/1/cards"
    headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
    query = {
        'key': api_key,
        'token': token,
        'idList': list_id,
        'name': card_name
    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, params=query)
    return response.json()

# Example post-training
api_key = 'your_api_key'
token = 'your_token'
board_id = 'your_board_id'
list_id = 'your_list_id'
card_name = 'Model Training Complete'
card_details = create_trello_card(api_key, token, board_id, list_id, card_name)


Execute & Test


  • Run the script after model training to verify task creation. Check Trello for the new card indicating successful automation.


3. Why is my Keras script failing to update Trello cards?


Check API Credentials


  • Ensure that your Trello API key and token are correctly configured and not expired.

  • Verify that these credentials have the necessary permissions to access and update the specified Trello boards and cards.


Review Network Requests


  • Check if the network request to Trello's API is correctly formatted and if there's a proper HTTP method (e.g., POST for updates).

  • Utilize tools like Postman to test API endpoints independently of your script.


Inspect Error Handling


  • Ensure your script contains adequate error handling to log any issues encountered during API requests.

  • Review response data from Trello for any error messages that may indicate why updates are failing.


Validate Data Structure


  • Ensure that the data being passed to Trello matches required parameters (e.g., list IDs, card positions).


import trello
client = trello.TrelloClient(api_key='your_key', api_secret='your_secret')
# Ensure card_name, card_desc are properly set
client.add_card(card_name, card_desc, list_id='list_id')


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