Enhancing Customer Support with AI Assistance
- Leverage Meta AI's natural language processing to analyze customer support tickets, categorize them, and provide initial response suggestions for support agents to improve efficiency.
- Utilize Heroku to deploy a scalable web application that integrates seamlessly with customer support systems, automatically escalating more complex issues to human agents.
from meta_nlp_api import MetaNaturalLanguageProcessing
import requests
api_key = 'your_meta_nlp_api_key'
def analyze_ticket(ticket_text):
response = requests.post("https://meta-nlp-api.com/analyze", headers={"API-KEY": api_key}, json={"input": ticket_text})
return response.json().get('suggest_category', "Uncategorized")
Heroku Flask app setup
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
app = Flask(name)
@app.route('/support_ticket', methods=['POST'])
def support_ticket():
data = request.json
ticket_text = data.get('ticket_text', '')
category = analyze_ticket(ticket_text)
return jsonify({'category': category})
if name == 'main':
Dynamic Content Recommendation Engine
- Employ Meta AI's recommendation capabilities to analyze user behavior and content preferences, delivering personalized content suggestions that increase engagement.
- Deploy a Heroku app to continually update recommendations based on user interactions and feedback, optimizing the algorithm for improved accuracy over time.
Shell script to manage Heroku environment variables for recommendation engine
heroku config:set META_API_KEY='your_meta_api_key'
Push new configurations to Heroku
git add .
git commit -m "Update configuration for content recommendation engine"
git push heroku master