Set Up Azure Cognitive Services
- Log into your Azure portal and create a new Cognitive Services resource. Select the specific service you need, such as Text Analytics, Language Understanding (LUIS), or the Computer Vision API.
- Once created, navigate to the service's resource page and access the "Keys and Endpoint" page to get your API key and endpoint URL. You'll need these for integration.
Prepare Adobe Campaign
- Ensure you have an appropriate version of Adobe Campaign that supports external API integration. Adobe Campaign Classic and Adobe Campaign Standard may have different steps.
- Set up a new external account in Adobe Campaign for the API service you want to integrate with. Configure this by navigating to the "External Accounts" section under Administration settings.
Configure Your Integration
- Create a new workflow in Adobe Campaign where you'll incorporate Azure Cognitive Services. Access the workflow editor to begin building your process.
- Add a 'Script' activity in your workflow. This will allow you to embed JavaScript code that makes calls to the Azure service.
- In your script, use JavaScript to send HTTP requests to your Azure Cognitive Service endpoint. This is where you'll use the API key and endpoint URL you retrieved earlier.
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var request = httpClient.execute('GET', 'https://<your-endpoint>', {
Headers: {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': '<Your-API-Key>'
var response = request.responseText;
var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(response);
Processing the Response
- Once you've received the response from Azure Cognitive Services, parse the JSON data within your JavaScript code to extract the information you need for your campaign.
- Process this data according to your campaign's logic. For example, you might analyze text sentiment or extract key phrases and use this data to personalize emails.
Validate and Test
- Run your workflow in a controlled environment to test the integration. Check the logs in Adobe Campaign to confirm that your API calls are executing successfully and that responses are correctly parsed.
- Debug any issues by analyzing API error messages and ensuring your API key and endpoint are correctly configured.
Deploy Your Integration
- Once testing is successful, deploy your changes in the production environment. Monitor the flow and analytics within Adobe Campaign to ensure that the integration performs optimally.
- Set up periodic reviews and updates of both Adobe Campaign and Azure Cognitive Services, ensuring all workflows and API calls remain current and efficient.
By following these steps, you create a seamless integration between Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services and Adobe Campaign, allowing for enhanced functionality and intelligent operations in your marketing workflows.