
|  How to Integrate OpenAI with Drupal

How to Integrate OpenAI with Drupal

January 24, 2025

Learn how to seamlessly integrate OpenAI with Drupal to enhance website functionality and create smarter web experiences in this step-by-step guide.

How to Connect OpenAI to Drupal: a Simple Guide




  • Ensure you have a properly set up and functioning Drupal environment.

  • Familiarize yourself with Composer as it's needed for managing dependencies in Drupal.

  • Create an account with OpenAI to obtain your API key.


Install OpenAI PHP Client


  • Navigate to your Drupal project's root directory in your terminal.

  • Use Composer to require the OpenAI PHP client.


composer require openai-php/client


Module Creation


  • Navigate to the modules/custom directory in your Drupal installation.

  • Create a new directory for your custom module, e.g., "openai\_integration".

  • Inside this directory, create the necessary files for your module.


Create Module Info File


  • Create a file named openai\_integration.info.yml.

  • Add the following contents to define your module.


name: 'OpenAI Integration'
type: module
description: 'Integrates OpenAI API with Drupal.'
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
package: Custom
  - drupal:system (>=8.8)


Create Module Service


  • Create a file named openai\_integration.services.yml.

  • Define the service that will be responsible for interacting with OpenAI.


    class: OpenAI
    arguments: ['@http_client', '%openai.api_key%']


Environment API Key Configuration


  • In your settings.php file, add your OpenAI API key.

  • Ensure this is done securely and not directly in your module code.


$settings['openai.api_key'] = 'your_openai_api_key_here';


Create a PHP Class for the Integration


  • Create a src/ directory within your module's directory if it doesn't exist.

  • Inside src/, create a directory named Plugin/OpenAI and add a file named OpenAIClient.php.

  • Define the OpenAIClient class to interact with the OpenAI API.


namespace Drupal\openai_integration\Plugin\OpenAI;

use OpenAI;

class OpenAIClient {
  protected $client;

  public function __construct($http_client, $api_key) {
    $this->client = OpenAI::client($api_key);

  public function generateText($prompt) {
    return $this->client->completions->create([
      'model' => 'text-davinci-003',
      'prompt' => $prompt,
      'max_tokens' => 150,


Utilizing the Service in a Drupal Controller


  • Create a Controller to use the OpenAI service and process requests.

  • Add routes in a routing file if needed to connect with this Controller.


namespace Drupal\openai_integration\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class OpenAIController extends ControllerBase {
  protected $openaiClient;

  public function __construct($openai_integration_client) {
    $this->openaiClient = $openai_integration_client;

  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static(

  public function renderGeneratedText() {
    $response = $this->openaiClient->generateText('Sample Prompt');
    return [
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $this->t('Generated Text: @text', ['@text' => $response['choices'][0]['text']]),


Clear Cache and Enable the Module


  • After making changes to Drupal files, clear the cache to apply the updates.

  • Enable your new module either through the Drupal admin interface or Drush.


drush en openai_integration
drush cr


Testing the Integration


  • Navigate to the route associated with your Controller to test the OpenAI integration.

  • Ensure all data returns as expected and troubleshoot if errors are encountered.


Security Considerations


  • Always ensure your API key is stored securely and not hard-coded in source files.

  • Review and update permissions to restrict access to the integration features as needed.


This guide provides a detailed process to integrate OpenAI with Drupal, allowing for further customization and expansion based on specific use cases.

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How to Use OpenAI with Drupal: Usecases


Integrating OpenAI with Drupal for Automated Content Generation


  • Objective: Enhance content creation efficiency within a Drupal-based website using OpenAI's language model capabilities to automate text generation.

  • Setup: Set up OpenAI API integration within the Drupal framework to allow seamless access to the AI's language processing features.

  • Workflow: Design a workflow where Drupal content creators can leverage the AI-generated text feature to generate drafts, summaries, and even full articles directly within the CMS.

  • Benefits: Improve productivity by reducing time spent on content creation, enabling quick generation of various types of content such as news articles, blog posts, and product descriptions.

  • Customization: Allow content creators to define parameters and tone for the content generation to fit the specific voice and style needed for the website.

  • Ethical Use: Implement checks and balances to ensure that all generated content is reviewed by humans to maintain quality and accuracy, as well as to adhere to ethical guidelines.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use OpenAI\Client;

$client = new Client('your-api-key');

// Example function to generate content
function generate_content($prompt) {
  global $client;
  $response = $client->generateText([
    'model' => 'text-davinci-003',
    'input' => $prompt,
    'max_tokens' => 200,
  return $response['choices'][0]['text'];



Enhancing User Engagement with AI-Powered Chatbots in Drupal


  • Objective: Improve user interaction and support on a Drupal website by integrating AI-driven chatbots powered by OpenAI to provide instant and accurate responses to user inquiries.

  • Setup: Integrate OpenAI's chatbot API with your Drupal website to facilitate real-time customer support and engagement without human intervention.

  • Workflow: Implement a system where the AI chatbot can assist users by answering frequently asked questions, providing navigation help, and offering personalized recommendations based on user preferences.

  • Benefits: Enhance user satisfaction and retention by delivering quick and reliable responses. Chatbots can handle multiple user interactions simultaneously, reducing wait times and operational costs.

  • Customization: Tailor the chatbot's language and tone to align with your brand's identity. Allow for customization in chatbot prompts to ensure relevant and context-specific information is provided.

  • Ethical Use: Ensure transparency by informing users that they are interacting with an AI. Regularly update and monitor the chatbot to maintain accuracy and prevent the dissemination of incorrect or biased information.


 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use OpenAI\Client;

$client = new Client('your-api-key');

// Example function to handle chatbot response
function chatbot_response($user_query) {
  global $client;
  $response = $client->generateText([
    'model' => 'text-davinci-003',
    'input' => $user_query,
    'max_tokens' => 150,
  return $response['choices'][0]['text'];


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Troubleshooting OpenAI and Drupal Integration

How to integrate OpenAI with Drupal modules?


Integrate OpenAI with Drupal Modules


  • Create an OpenAI account and obtain an API key by visiting the OpenAI website.

  • Install the HTTP client library in your Drupal project using Composer:


composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle


  • Enable the necessary modules in Drupal, for instance by using the `drush` command:


drush en your_custom_module


  • Create a custom module using `OpenAI` API:


function mymodule_invoke_openai() {
  $client = \Drupal::httpClient();
  $response = $client->request('POST', 'https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/davinci-codex/completions', [
    'headers' => [
      'Authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY',
    'json' => [
      'prompt' => 'Your prompt here',
      'max_tokens' => 150,
  $data = json_decode($response->getBody());
  return $data->choices[0]->text;


  • Utilize this function within your Drupal module to fetch and display data from OpenAI.

  • Handle errors and responses properly to ensure robust functionality.


Why is OpenAI content not displaying on my Drupal site?


Check Module Configuration


  • Ensure that the OpenAI module is installed and enabled correctly on your Drupal site.

  • Review permissions to confirm that the required user roles have access to OpenAI content.


Review API Integration


  • Verify that your OpenAI API key is correctly entered in the module's configuration settings.

  • Ensure that your Drupal server can connect to the OpenAI API. Check network and firewall settings.


Debugging and Logs


  • Enable error reporting in Drupal to catch any issues related to OpenAI content display.

  • Check logs for any error messages related to OpenAI requests or data handling.


Code Example


use Drupal\openai\Client;

// Initialize the OpenAI client.
$client = new Client(\Drupal::config('openai.settings')->get('api_key'));

// Fetch content.
$response = $client->request('GET', '/content/endpoint');


How to fix OpenAI API authentication issues in Drupal?


Check API Key


  • Ensure the API key is current and correctly configured in the OpenAI settings of your Drupal installation.
  • Review that the key hasn't surpassed its usage limits.


Review API Endpoint


  • Verify the correct endpoint URL for the OpenAI API is being utilized.
  • Check for typos or outdated URLs that may result in authentication failures.


Examine Network Issues


  • Ensure your server can make external HTTP requests. Confirm network configurations permit reaching OpenAI servers.


Enable Debugging


  • Activate Drupal logging for detailed error information to identify the request issues.


\Drupal::logger('openai')->debug('OpenAI response: @response', ['@response' => print_r($response, TRUE)]);


Update Drupal Module


  • Update the module handling OpenAI API integration to its latest version to ensure compatibility.

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