
|  How to Integrate OpenAI with Notion

How to Integrate OpenAI with Notion

January 24, 2025

Discover how to seamlessly integrate OpenAI with Notion to enhance productivity and automate tasks efficiently with our step-by-step guide.

How to Connect OpenAI to Notion: a Simple Guide


Set Up OpenAI API Access


  • Go to OpenAI's official website and create an account if you haven't already.

  • Navigate to the API section and generate a new API key. Ensure you store the key securely as it will be used for authentication.


Prepare Notion Environment


  • Log into your Notion account and create a new page or choose an existing one where you want to integrate OpenAI functionality.

  • Create a new database or use an existing one to store query results or input data for processing with OpenAI.

  • Enable Notion API by going to the Notion Integrations page and creating a new integration. Note down the integration token for further steps.


Install Necessary Python Packages


  • Ensure Python is installed on your machine. You can verify this by running python --version in your terminal.

  • Install the OpenAI and Notion-SDK Python packages by running the following command:


pip install openai notion-client


Write Python Script for Integration


  • Create a new Python script file, e.g., notion_openai_integration.py.

  • Import necessary libraries and set up authentication:


import openai
from notion_client import Client

# Set OpenAI and Notion API keys
openai.api_key = 'your-openai-api-key'
notion = Client(auth='your-notion-integration-token')


  • Define function to fetch data from Notion:


def fetch_notion_data(database_id):
    results = notion.databases.query(database_id=database_id).get('results')
    return results

database_id = 'your_notion_database_id'
notion_data = fetch_notion_data(database_id)


  • Define function to process data with OpenAI:


def generate_response(prompt):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

# Example usage
for item in notion_data:
    prompt = item['properties']['Name']['title'][0]['plain_text']
    response = generate_response(prompt)
    print(f"Prompt: {prompt} -> Response: {response}")


Automate the Script


  • To ensure continuous integration, consider setting up a cron job (Linux/Mac) or Task Scheduler (Windows) to run the script at desired intervals.

  • Test the automation process to verify that input changes in Notion trigger appropriate OpenAI responses, which are appended back to your Notion database if required.


Secure and Optimize


  • Always protect sensitive information by using environment variables or secure parameter stores to keep API keys hidden.

  • Optimize the code for efficiency, especially if dealing with large datasets from Notion, to avoid rate limits from both Notion and OpenAI.


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How to Use OpenAI with Notion: Usecases


Automating Task Management with OpenAI and Notion


  • Combination of AI and Productivity Tools: OpenAI's natural language processing capabilities can be integrated with Notion to automate and enhance task management. OpenAI can assist in generating task outlines, prioritizing tasks, and even suggesting deadlines based on project complexity.

  • Effortless Task Generation: Users can input project goals or descriptions in natural language, and OpenAI can break it down into actionable tasks, which can be automatically organized within Notion's task management system.

  • Intelligent Prioritization: With AI, tasks can be analyzed and automatically prioritized. OpenAI can assess the relative importance of each task and suggest an order of importance, making workflow more efficient.

  • Seamless Integration with Existing Workflows: Notion's flexible workspace allows the integration to fit seamlessly into existing business processes. This integration supports real-time updates and adjustments to task lists as projects evolve.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Teams can leverage the AI-powered insights to facilitate better communication and collaboration in Notion. OpenAI can suggest related documents or previous projects stored in Notion that could assist in current task completion.


# Sample Python code to use OpenAI's GPT with Notion API
import openai
from notion_client import Client

openai.api_key = 'your_openai_api_key'
notion = Client(auth='your_notion_api_key')

def generate_tasks(project_description):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
        prompt=f"Break down the following project description into tasks: {project_description}",
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

project_description = "Develop a new feature for the app that includes user login and profile management."
tasks = generate_tasks(project_description)

# Code to add tasks to Notion
database_id = 'your_notion_database_id'
for task in tasks.split('\n'):
        parent={'database_id': database_id},
            'Name': {
                'title': [
                        'text': {
                            'content': task



Enhanced Knowledge Management with OpenAI and Notion


  • AI-Powered Content Curation: By leveraging OpenAI's language model capabilities, content curation can be automated in Notion. Users can input specific topics or keywords and OpenAI can generate relevant content briefs or summaries, which can be organized and stored in Notion.

  • Dynamic Content Suggestions: OpenAI can analyze existing content within Notion and suggest complementary topics, references, or related materials, creating a more comprehensive knowledge base and encouraging continued learning and exploration.

  • Streamlined Information Retrieval: With AI integration, retrieving information becomes more efficient. Users can query OpenAI directly within Notion to get concise answers or summaries based on stored data, reducing the time spent searching through documents.

  • Real-time Data Categorization: OpenAI can assist in tagging and categorizing new entries within Notion based on their content, ensuring that knowledge management systems remain organized and easily navigable as they grow.

  • Improved Research and Development: Teams using Notion for research purposes can integrate OpenAI to uncover insights or compile research findings, enabling more effective decision-making and innovative development processes.


# Sample Python code to integrate OpenAI with Notion for enhanced knowledge management
import openai
from notion_client import Client

openai.api_key = 'your_openai_api_key'
notion = Client(auth='your_notion_api_key')

def summarize_content(topic):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
        prompt=f"Provide a detailed summary on the topic: {topic}",
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

topic = "Machine Learning advancements in 2023"
summary = summarize_content(topic)

# Code to add summarized content to Notion
database_id = 'your_notion_database_id'
    parent={'database_id': database_id},
        'Name': {
            'title': [
                    'text': {
                        'content': topic
        'Summary': {
            'rich_text': [
                    'text': {
                        'content': summary


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Troubleshooting OpenAI and Notion Integration

How to connect OpenAI API with Notion for automated content generation?




  • Ensure you have API keys for OpenAI and access to Notion's API.
  • Have a programming environment set up with Python or JavaScript.


Configure Notion API


  • Create a Notion Integration and save the access token.
  • Share your Notion database with the integration for necessary permissions.


Connect and Automate


  • Install the OpenAI and Notion client libraries.
pip install openai notion-client


  • Write a script to generate content using OpenAI and push it to Notion.
import openai
from notion_client import Client

openai.api_key = 'your_openai_key'
notion = Client(auth='your_notion_token')

def generate_content(prompt):
    return openai.Completion.create(engine="davinci", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=100).choices[0].text

def update_notion(database_id, content):
    notion.pages.create(parent={'database_id': database_id}, properties={'Name': {'title': [{'text': {'content': content}}]}})

content = generate_content("Write about AI advancements.")
update_notion('your_notion_database_id', content)


  • Schedule the script using a task scheduler or CRON for regular automation.


Why is my OpenAI integration in Notion not working?


Check API Key


  • Ensure your OpenAI API key is correctly entered in the integration settings. Without a valid key, communication with OpenAI's servers will fail.


Network Connectivity


  • Check your internet connection and ensure that your network firewall isn’t blocking requests to OpenAI’s API servers.


API Rate Limits


  • Confirm that you haven’t exceeded OpenAI API's rate limits, which can lead to temporary access restrictions. Refer to OpenAI's documentation for specific limits.


Integration Configuration


  • Verify that the OpenAI integration is correctly configured within Notion. Double-check all settings, such as endpoints and authentication parameters.

  • Consult any available logs in Notion for error messages that can provide more insights into the issue.


Example Code Check


const notionClient = new NotionClient({
  auth: process.env.NOTION_KEY,

  model: "text-davinci-003",


Support & Documentation


  • If all else fails, check OpenAI’s and Notion’s support pages or forums for similar issues and solutions. Contact support for further assistance if necessary.


How can I automate Notion tasks using OpenAI's GPT?


Automate Notion with GPT  


  • Ensure you have an OpenAI account and create API keys. Similarly, set up Notion's API & OAuth for integration.

  • Use Python to connect services by installing relevant libraries like `openai` and `requests`.



Write a Script  


  • Authenticate both APIs. Use requests for Notion, openai for GPT.

  • Fetch data from Notion Pages using Notion's API.


import openai, requests

notion_token = "NOTION_API_TOKEN"
openai.api_key = "OPENAI_API_KEY"

headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {notion_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
notion_response = requests.get("https://api.notion.com/v1/pages/YOUR_PAGE_ID", headers=headers)



Process & Update Notion


  • Utilize GPT to process data, summarize, or generate content.

  • Update processed data back to Notion.


content_to_process = "Your content here"
gpt_response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=content_to_process, max_tokens=150)
processed_content = gpt_response['choices'][0]['text']

# Update Notion
update_data = {"properties": {"name": {"title": [{"text": {"content": processed_content}}]}}}
requests.patch("https://api.notion.com/v1/pages/YOUR_PAGE_ID", json=update_data, headers=headers)


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