Overview of Integration
- Before starting, ensure that you have an active SAP Leonardo account and a BigCommerce store with API access enabled.
- This guide assumes a basic understanding of both platforms and the APIs involved.
Prepare SAP Leonardo
- Log into your SAP Cloud Platform account and navigate to SAP Leonardo offerings.
- Identify the specific services you wish to integrate with BigCommerce, such as IoT, Machine Learning, or Blockchain.
- Ensure you have the necessary API keys and endpoint details for the selected services.
Set Up BigCommerce API
- Log into your BigCommerce control panel.
- Go to Advanced Settings > API Accounts.
- Create a new API account, defining the necessary scopes for interaction with your store, such as Products, Orders, and Customers.
- Securely store the API client ID, client secret, and access token as they will be needed for SAP Leonardo integration.
Establish a Connection with SAP Leonardo
- On SAP Leonardo, create a new connection for your application, selecting the relevant services you defined earlier.
- Utilize SAP's API Management tool to connect with external services like BigCommerce.
- In the API Management dashboard, select the option to create a new API Proxy and, when prompted, input your BigCommerce API credentials.
Create Integration Logic
- Decide on the integration logic needed, such as synchronizing product information or processing orders.
- Develop server-side code to handle the interactions using a server framework of your choice (Node.js, Python, etc.).
// Sample Node.js script to fetch product data from BigCommerce and push to SAP Leonardo
const axios = require('axios');
const BIGCOMMERCE_API_URL = 'https://api.bigcommerce.com/stores/{store_hash}/v3/{endpoint}';
const SAP_LEONARDO_API_URL = 'https://leonardo-api-url/{service}';
// Function to fetch BigCommerce product data
async function fetchProducts() {
const response = await axios.get(`${BIGCOMMERCE_API_URL}/catalog/products`, {
headers: {
'X-Auth-Token': '{bigcommerce_access_token}',
'Accept': 'application/json'
return response.data;
// Function to send data to SAP Leonardo
async function sendToSAPLeonardo(data) {
await axios.post(SAP_LEONARDO_API_URL, data, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer {sap_leonardo_token}'
// Main function to execute integration
async function integrate() {
try {
const products = await fetchProducts();
await sendToSAPLeonardo(products);
console.log('Integration successful');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error integrating:', error);
Deploy and Test Integration
- Deploy your code to a suitable hosting platform capable of handling API requests.
- Perform a series of test integrations to ensure data is properly flowing between SAP Leonardo and BigCommerce.
- Monitor both environments for any errors or bottlenecks in processing and adjust configurations as necessary.
Manage and Scale
- Regularly review integration performance and adjust logic to keep up with business needs.
- As your business grows, consider scaling your solution by optimizing API call efficiency and server resources.