Set Up Your Environment
- Ensure Drupal is installed and configured on your server. Install the necessary modules that might enhance connectivity with SAP Leonardo.
- Ensure SAP Leonardo is set up correctly. Obtain API keys and necessary credentials for access.
Install Required Drupal Modules
- Use the Drupal admin interface or command line to add modules facilitating API integrations such as the "RESTful Web Services" module and "OAuth" for authentication.
- Enable these modules through the Drupal interface, ensuring they are active and ready for configuration:
drush en rest
drush en oauth
Configure SAP Leonardo API Access
- Log into your SAP Leonardo account and navigate to the API management section. Generate an API key and take note of authentication endpoints that you'll need to connect Drupal with SAP Leonardo.
- Set the appropriate permissions within SAP Leonardo to allow data access for the integration.
Setup OAuth Controller in Drupal
- Within Drupal, navigate to the OAuth settings and add a new OAuth consumer. Configure it using the credentials and endpoints obtained from SAP Leonardo.
- Ensure the OAuth consumer settings within Drupal match the requirements of SAP Leonardo's API (e.g., callback URLs, client secret).
Define a Custom Module for Integration
- In Drupal, create or modify a custom module to manage data exchange. This module will contain code to interact with SAP Leonardo's API.
- Structure the module directory and create a .module file where you define the hooks and API integrations:
function sap_leonardo_integration_menu() {
$items['sap-integration'] = array(
'title' => 'SAP Integration',
'page callback' => 'sap_leonardo_data_fetch',
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;
function sap_leonardo_data_fetch() {
// Your API call to SAP Leonardo
Implement API Calls
- Within the custom module, define functions to make API requests to SAP Leonardo, using the credentials and API endpoints you configured earlier. Utilize Drupal's http\_request() function for this:
function call_sap_leonardo_api($endpoint, $method = 'GET', $data = []) {
$options = array(
'method' => $method,
'data' => $data,
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . drupal_get_oauth_token(),
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
$response = drupal_http_request($endpoint, $options);
if ($response->code == 200) {
return json_decode($response->data, TRUE);
} else {
watchdog('sap_leonardo', 'API request failed with code @code', array('@code' => $response->code));
return NULL;
Test and Debug Integration
- Test the integration by triggering the Drupal page callback and ensure data is correctly fetched from SAP Leonardo.
- Check for errors in the Drupal logs and use watchdog entries to debug any issues that arise during the API calls.
Extend Functionality as Needed
- Once integration is successful, extend your Drupal module to perform additional tasks with SAP Leonardo data such as visualization, data modification, or utilizing any machine learning results from SAP Leonardo.
Maintain Integration
- Regularly update both systems—Drupal modules and SAP Leonardo API details—to ensure compatibility with new releases.
- Monitor logs for ongoing issues and performance metrics to maintain an optimal integration environment.