Set Up Prerequisites
- Ensure you have a valid SAP account. You can sign up at the SAP website.
- Download and install the latest version of Eclipse from the Eclipse website.
- Ensure Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on your system. You can download it from the Oracle website.
- Install SAP Cloud Platform Tools for Eclipse by going to Help > Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse, then search for and install the tools.
Configure SAP Cloud Platform Tools
- Open Eclipse and navigate to the menu bar. Click on Window > Preferences.
- In the Preferences window, select SAP Cloud Platform > Cloud Foundry.
- Add a new Cloud Foundry entry if one does not exist. Enter your SAP credentials and choose a Cloud Foundry endpoint relevant to your SAP account.
Install SAP Leonardo SDK
- To use SAP Leonardo services, you need to integrate SDKs. Go to the SAP Developers page and download required SDKs for SAP Leonardo.
- In Eclipse, navigate to File > Import and choose Existing Maven Projects if you're working with a Maven project.
- Browse to the location where you extracted the SAP Leonardo SDKs and finish the wizard to import them.
Create a New Project in Eclipse
- Click on File > New > Project in Eclipse, then select Maven Project or whichever suits your need.
- When prompted, add necessary dependencies for SAP Leonardo in your
for Maven projects. Here’s an example dependency you might add:
Configure Connection to SAP Leonardo
- In Eclipse, use the SAP Cloud SDK to establish a connection. Navigate to your project's source code and configure the environment with SAP Leonardo credentials, typically in a
file or similar.
- Ensure your network connection allows access to SAP Leonardo endpoints by configuring proxy settings if required.
Build and Test the Application
- Use the Eclipse built-in run configuration to execute the project. Right-click on your project and choose Run As > Java Application or the applicable type for your project.
- Check the console for any errors or logs that confirm a successful connection to SAP Leonardo services.
- Test the integration by calling a sample API provided by SAP Leonardo to verify functionality. Usually, this involves a simple method call within your project code.
public class LeonardoExample {
public String getDataFromLeonardo() throws CloudSdkServiceException {
HttpDestination httpDest = DestinationAccessor.getDestination("MyLeonardoDestination").asHttp();
return httpDest.execute(new ExampleRequest()).getEntity(String.class);
Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform
- Once testing is successful, deploy your project to SAP Cloud Platform. Right-click your project and select Export > Cloud Foundry.
- Provide necessary configurations such as memory allocation and deployment parameters as prompted by Eclipse.