Enhancing Predictive Maintenance with SAP Leonardo and Terraform
- Efficient Infrastructure Deployment: Leverage Terraform to automate the setup of computing resources required by SAP Leonardo's predictive maintenance solutions. This includes deploying virtual machines, networking setups, and necessary storage swiftly to facilitate quick pilot testing and scaling.
- Centralized Device Management: Use Terraform for consistent provisioning and management of edge device networks that feed data into SAP Leonardo. Automating device configuration reduces manual errors and accelerates the initiation of maintenance programs.
- Real-time Data Processing Integration: Implement Terraform to swiftly deploy services like data lakes and analytical tools offered by SAP Leonardo. This ensures seamless real-time processing of data from industrial equipment for predictive insights.
- Enhanced Security Protocols: Utilize Terraform scripts to set up comprehensive security configurations, including encryption and strict access controls for data and communications within the predictive maintenance ecosystem.
- Adaptive Resource Allocation: With Terraform, dynamically adjust compute, storage, and networking resources within SAP Leonardo to match predictive analysis workloads. This ensures highly flexible and cost-effective maintenance operations.
provider "azure" {
features {}
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "sap_leonardo_vm" {
name = "sap-leonardo-vm"
location = "East US"
resource_group_name = "sap_leonardo_rg"
network_interface_ids = ["${azurerm_network_interface.example.id}"]
vm_size = "Standard_DS1_v2"
storage_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
offer = "WindowsServer"
sku = "2016-Datacenter"
version = "latest"
os_profile {
computer_name = "hostname"
admin_username = "adminuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"