Install Required Libraries
- Ensure that you have PHP installed and configured properly. You will need the `curl` extension enabled for API requests.
- Use Composer to install the Amadeus PHP SDK, which simplifies the process of interacting with the Amadeus API:
composer require amadeus4dev/amadeus-php
Initialize the Amadeus Client
- Import the Amadeus client into your PHP script and initialize it using your API credentials. Make sure to securely store these credentials to prevent unauthorized access.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Amadeus\Amadeus;
$amadeus = Amadeus::builder("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET")->build();
Access Flight Offers
- You can access flight offers by sending requests with search criteria such as origin, destination, departure date, and return date. The server will respond with a list of available flight options.
try {
$response = $amadeus->shopping->flightOffersSearch->get([
'originLocationCode' => 'LAX',
'destinationLocationCode' => 'JFK',
'departureDate' => '2024-03-01',
'returnDate' => '2024-03-10',
'adults' => 1
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Handle API Responses
- Process the API responses to extract useful information. You might need to parse JSON data and handle potential errors gracefully.
foreach ($response->getData() as $flight) {
echo "Flight ID: " . $flight['id'] . "<br>";
echo "Price: " . $flight['price']['total'] . " " . $flight['price']['currency'] . "<br>";
echo "Departure: " . $flight['itineraries'][0]['segments'][0]['departure']['iataCode'] . " - ";
echo "Arrival: " . $flight['itineraries'][0]['segments'][0]['arrival']['iataCode'] . "<br><br>";
Fetch Flight Status
- To access real-time flight status, use the flight status API with a specified flight number and date.
try {
$flightStatus = $amadeus->schedule->flights->get([
'carrierCode' => 'AA',
'flightNumber' => '100',
'scheduledDepartureDate' => '2023-12-01'
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Implement Best Practices
- Use caching mechanisms to store frequent API responses and reduce the number of requests to the API, minimizing latency and API costs.
- Implement error handling to manage unexpected responses or network issues. Consider retry mechanisms for transient errors.
- Limit the data requested by making efficient use of the API parameters and filtering options to ensure only necessary information is retrieved.