Initialize Azure Computer Vision Client
To begin analyzing images using the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API in C#, you need to initialize the Computer Vision client. Here’s how you can create the client using the Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision package:
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision.Models;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
string endpoint = "YOUR_AZURE_ENDPOINT";
string subscriptionKey = "YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY";
ComputerVisionClient client = new ComputerVisionClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey))
Endpoint = endpoint
Image Analysis Features
The Azure Computer Vision API can extract various types of information from an image, such as:
- Describing an image
- Detecting objects and brands
- Extracting text (OCR)
- Generating a thumbnail
Each feature can be requested specifically based on your project requirements.
Describing an Image
The Describe Image feature generates a description of an image. You can specify the number of descriptions you want using the maxCandidates
public async Task DescribeImageAsync(string imagePath)
using var imageStream = File.OpenRead(imagePath);
var descriptions = await client.DescribeImageInStreamAsync(imageStream, maxCandidates: 3);
foreach (var caption in descriptions.Captions)
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {caption.Text} with confidence {caption.Confidence}");
Object Detection
Object detection isolates and identifies various objects within an image. Here's a sample function:
public async Task DetectObjectsAsync(string imageUrl)
var response = await client.DetectObjectsAsync(imageUrl);
foreach (var obj in response.Objects)
Console.WriteLine($"Object: {obj.ObjectProperty} detected with confidence {obj.Confidence}");
Extracting Text (OCR)
The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature detects and extracts text from images, making it quite useful for processing scanned documents or photos with text.
public async Task ExtractTextAsync(string imagePath)
using var imageStream = File.OpenRead(imagePath);
var textHeaders = await client.ReadInStreamAsync(imageStream);
string operationId = textHeaders.OperationLocation.Substring(textHeaders.OperationLocation.Length - 36);
ReadOperationResult results;
results = await client.GetReadResultAsync(Guid.Parse(operationId));
await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate waiting for the operation to complete
} while (results.Status == OperationStatusCodes.Running || results.Status == OperationStatusCodes.NotStarted);
foreach (var page in results.AnalyzeResult.ReadResults)
foreach (var line in page.Lines)
Generating a Thumbnail
Generating thumbnails can quickly create smaller, more efficient previews of the images in terms of size:
public async Task GenerateThumbnailAsync(string imagePath, int width, int height)
using var imageStream = File.OpenRead(imagePath);
var thumbnail = await client.GenerateThumbnailInStreamAsync(width, height, imageStream, true);
using var fileStream = File.Create("thumbnail.jpg");
Error Handling and Best Practices
- Implement robust error-handling techniques to manage network errors or issues related to incorrect API requests.
- Always sanitize and validate inputs, such as file formats and URLs, to avoid exceptions.
- Manage API rate limits effectively, particularly if integrating with services that might process large volumes of data.
By creating appropriate functions in C# and leveraging the provided sample code, your application will be able to utilize Azure's robust computer vision capabilities effectively to analyze images.