Overview of Twilio Programmable Video for Group Rooms
- Twilio's Programmable Video API enables developers to build video applications. The Group Rooms feature facilitates multi-user video sessions.
- The following guide uses PHP to create and manage Group Rooms, leveraging Twilio's API capabilities.
Installing the Twilio PHP SDK
- If you haven't already, ensure you have Composer installed on your system. Composer is required to manage PHP dependencies.
- Install the Twilio SDK using Composer:
composer require twilio/sdk
Creating a Twilio Client in PHP
- Now, let's set up a simple Twilio client. You will need your account SID and auth token from the Twilio Console.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
$sid = 'your_account_sid'; // Your Account SID from Twilio console
$token = 'your_auth_token'; // Your Auth Token from Twilio console
$client = new Client($sid, $token);
Creating a Group Room
- Group Rooms are useful for multiple participants to interact. This snippet demonstrates how to create a Group Room:
try {
$groupRoom = $client->video->rooms->create([
'uniqueName' => 'myGroupRoom',
'type' => 'group', // Type of the room, other option can be 'peer-to-peer'
'recordParticipantsOnConnect' => false
echo "Created new Group Room with SID: " . $groupRoom->sid;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Listing All Active Rooms
- You may want to monitor active rooms to manage them effectively. The following code will list all active rooms:
$activeRooms = $client->video->rooms->read(['status' => 'in-progress']);
foreach ($activeRooms as $room) {
echo "Room SID: " . $room->sid . " - Room Name: " . $room->uniqueName . "\n";
Retrieving Room Details
- Once a room is created, you might need to retrieve detailed information about it. This is how you can do that:
$roomSid = 'RMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; // Replace with your room SID
try {
$room = $client->video->rooms($roomSid)->fetch();
echo "Room Name: " . $room->uniqueName . ", Room Status: " . $room->status;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Managing Participants
- Managing participants involves listing, removing, and interacting with them. Here’s how to list participants:
$participants = $client->video->rooms($roomSid)->participants->read();
foreach ($participants as $participant) {
echo "Participant Identity: " . $participant->identity . "\n";
Closing a Room
- Closing a room is essential for maintaining resources. Complete the following steps to close a room:
try {
$room = $client->video->rooms($roomSid)
->update(['status' => 'completed']);
echo "Room closed successfully.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Generating Access Tokens for Participants
- Each participant requires an access token to join a room. Tokens are granted with specific permissions.
use Twilio\Jwt\AccessToken;
use Twilio\Jwt\Grants\VideoGrant;
$twilioAccountSid = 'your_account_sid');
$twilioApiKey = 'your_api_key';
$twilioApiSecret = 'your_api_secret';
$identity = 'user_identity'; // A unique identifier for the participant
$token = new AccessToken($twilioAccountSid, $twilioApiKey, $twilioApiSecret, 3600, $identity);
$videoGrant = new VideoGrant();
$videoGrant->setRoom('myGroupRoom'); // Set the room
echo "Access token for participant: " . $token->toJWT();
Best Practices and Considerations
- Ensure network security by applying necessary security policies and protocols to manage access tokens and sensitive data.
- Optimize resource management by monitoring room statuses and efficiently closing idle or completed rooms.
- Utilize Twilio's debugging and logs for troubleshooting during development and production monitoring.