Install AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)
- Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes use of Amazon services like Rekognition.
- Install Boto3 by executing:
pip install boto3
Set Up AWS Credentials
- Create an IAM user on AWS with appropriate permissions. For video analysis, attach AmazonRekognitionFullAccess policy to your IAM user to ensure they have access to use Rekognition.
- Store your AWS credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) in a configuration file in a secure place. For local development, you might use a file like ~/.aws/credentials for authentication.
Initialize the Boto3 Client
- To interact with Rekognition, initialize a Boto3 client for the service using your credentials.
import boto3
rekognition_client = boto3.client('rekognition', region_name='us-west-2')
Start Video Analysis
- Call StartSegmentDetection (or another applicable method) to analyze a video stored in an S3 bucket. You will need permissions for accessing the bucket.
- Here is a code snippet to start label detection in a video:
response = rekognition_client.start_label_detection(
Video={'S3Object': {'Bucket': 'your-bucket-name', 'Name': 'your-video-file.mp4'}}
job_id = response['JobId']
Check Analysis Progress
- Since video processing is asynchronous, use GetLabelDetection to check the status of your video analysis.
import time
while True:
result = rekognition_client.get_label_detection(JobId=job_id)
if result['JobStatus'] in ['SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED']:
print('Job status: {}. Waiting...'.format(result['JobStatus']))
Retrieve and Process Results
- Once job status is 'SUCCEEDED', fetch and process the detected labels and segments from the video.
- Here's how to fetch the labels detected:
if result['JobStatus'] == 'SUCCEEDED':
labels = result['Labels']
for label in labels:
print('Label: {}, Confidence: {}'.format(label['Label']['Name'], label['Label']['Confidence']))
Best Practices for Video Analysis
- When working with video data, consider using AWS Lambda for automating video analysis and reducing manual intervention.
- Ensure your video files are stored in an S3 bucket located in the same region as your Rekognition service to minimize latency and data transfer costs.
Handle Errors and Exceptions
- Use try-except blocks in your Python code to handle exceptions and errors that may arise during video processing, ensuring your application can manage errors gracefully without crashing.
# Insert your Rekognition operations here
except rekognition_client.exceptions.InvalidS3ObjectException as e:
print("Error: ", e)
except rekognition_client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException as e:
print("Parameter Error: ", e)