Setting Up Your Java Environment
- Ensure you have Java SDK installed. JAVA 11 or newer is recommended.
- Create a new Java project or use an existing one where you wish to integrate Amazon Transcribe functionality.
- Utilize a build management tool like Maven or Gradle for managing dependencies efficiently.
Add AWS SDK Dependency
- Include the AWS SDK dependencies in your project. For Maven, your `pom.xml` should include the following:
- For Gradle, include it in your `build.gradle`:
implementation ''
Configure AWS Credentials
- Configure your AWS credentials to use the Transcribe API. Make sure the AWS credentials file is correctly located at `~/.aws/credentials` with appropriate access keys.
- These credentials should have the necessary permissions to access Transcribe services.
Write the Java Code
- Create a new Java class. Begin by importing necessary packages:
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
- Set up the Transcribe Streaming Client:
TranscribeStreamingAsyncClient transcribeClient = TranscribeStreamingAsyncClient.builder()
- Create a function for streaming audio and receiving the transcription:
public void startTranscription() {
StartStreamTranscriptionRequest request = StartStreamTranscriptionRequest.builder()
AudioStreamPublisher requestPublisher = new AudioStreamPublisher();
final AudioStreamResponseHandler responseHandler = new AudioStreamResponseHandler() {
public void responseReceived(StartStreamTranscriptionResponse response) {
System.out.println("Received initial response: " + response);
public void onEventStream(Publisher<AudioStream> publisher) {
publisher.subscribe(audioStream -> {
if (audioStream instanceof TranscriptResultStream) {
TranscriptResultStream transcriptResultStream = (TranscriptResultStream) audioStream;
for (TranscriptEvent event : transcriptResultStream.transcriptEvents()) {
if (event instanceof TranscriptEvent.Event) {
TranscriptEvent.Event e = (TranscriptEvent.Event) event;
System.out.println("Transcript: " + e.transcript().results().get(0).alternatives().get(0).transcript());
public void exceptionOccurred(Throwable throwable) {
public void complete() {
System.out.println("Transcription completed.");
try {
transcribeClient.startStreamTranscription(request, requestPublisher, responseHandler).get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
- The `AudioStreamPublisher` is a placeholder where you need to implement audio streaming logic, such as reading from a microphone or a file.
Implement Audio Streaming
- The `AudioStreamPublisher` should be implemented to capture audio and stream it to the Transcribe service. This implementation would depend on your specific audio input source like microphone or audio file.
- An example placeholder can utilize InputStreams to read and publish audio data through an SdkPublisher or custom Publisher interface that you build:
class AudioStreamPublisher implements SdkPublisher<AudioStream> {
// Implement methods to capture and stream audio
// Structure can vary based on input choice (e.g., microphone, audio files)
- Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure the audio data is properly streamed and transcribed. Consider handling different audio sources and enhancing error-handling capabilities within your application.