Check Hardware Connections
- Ensure that all necessary hardware connections are intact for the wake-up mechanism, such as external interrupt pins. If your microcontroller relies on an external signal, a loose or disconnected wire could be causing the issue.
- Verify that any pull-up or pull-down resistors required for external wake-up sources are properly connected to prevent floating pin issues.
- Consult the microcontroller's datasheet to confirm that you are using the correct pins and peripheral settings.
Confirm Interrupt Configuration
- Wake-up from sleep mode often relies on interrupts. Check whether the interrupt you intend to use for waking the microcontroller is correctly configured and enabled in your code.
- Make sure that the corresponding interrupt service routine (ISR) is correctly implemented and not getting blocked or hanging.
// Example of enabling an interrupt
void configure_interrupt() {
// Enable the interrupt in the microcontroller's interrupt controller
// Configure the interrupt in the peripheral
EXTI->IMR |= EXTI_IMR_IM0; // Unmask interrupt line
// Ensure proper flag configuration
EXTI->RTSR |= EXTI_RTSR_TR0; // Enable rising edge trigger
void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void) {
// Clear the interrupt flag
if (EXTI->PR & EXTI_PR_PR0) {
// ISR code to handle the wake-up event
Power Management Configuration
- Verify that the microcontroller has been placed in the correct sleep mode. Different sleep modes have different wake-up sources. Consult the datasheet to ensure you selected an appropriate mode.
- Check whether the clock settings are still appropriate for wake-up. Disabling certain clock sources may prevent wake-up if your chosen peripheral requires a specific clock.
// Placing the microcontroller in sleep mode
void enter_sleep_mode() {
// Ensure all necessary settings are configured before entering sleep
SCB->SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk; // Set deep sleep if needed
__WFI(); // Wait-for-Interrupt instruction
Review Power Supply Levels
- Ensure that the power supply levels are within specification when the microcontroller is in sleep mode. Low voltage may negatively impact wake-up behavior.
- If the microcontroller has a low-voltage detection feature, check if it's properly configured to not interfere with wake-up.
Check for Software Issues
- Review your project's initialization functions. Some important configurations might be inadvertently disabled when entering sleep mode.
- Consider if shared resources between wake-up and other tasks are causing race conditions. Mismanagement of these resources could block wake-up.
- Look for compiler-related issues such as optimizations that could accidentally disregard interrupt configurations. Ensure that critical sections are appropriately marked volatile or compiler-assembly inlines.
Debugging and Diagnostics
- Use debugging tools to step through the code and verify that execution enters the sleep mode as expected.
- Place diagnostics, such as toggling an LED, just before and after entering the sleep mode to confirm the entry and attempted wake-up actions.
- Examine any low power debugging outputs if available; they might provide insights about peripheral activity during sleep.
// Example diagnostic toggle before entering sleep
void debug_sleep_toggle() {
// Toggle LED to show sleep initiation
// Enter sleep mode
// Toggle LED to show wake-up completion
Consult Documentation
- Review the microcontroller's reference manual and application notes, as they often include specific steps or caveats related to sleep and wake-up procedures.
- Check errata sheets for your microcontroller, as they might contain known issues or required workarounds affecting sleep mode operations.