
|  Error: The server responded with a status of 404 in Next.js: Causes and How to Fix

Error: The server responded with a status of 404 in Next.js: Causes and How to Fix

February 10, 2025

Discover common reasons for 404 errors in Next.js and learn step-by-step solutions to fix them effectively in this comprehensive troubleshooting guide.

What is Error: The server responded with a status of 404 in Next.js


Understanding the Error: Server Responded with Status of 404 in Next.js


  • The status code 404 is part of the HTTP protocol, indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

  • In the context of Next.js, this typically happens when a user tries to access a page or API route that does not exist within the application.

  • The error might manifest when a route definition is either lacking or improperly configured within the Next.js app, causing the server to be unable to locate the intended resource.


Why Understanding 404 is Important in Next.js


  • Better understanding helps in structuring routing mechanisms efficiently. Next.js uses server-side rendering, static site generation, and dynamic routing, which require careful route management to prevent such errors.

  • 404 errors negatively impact user experience as users are unable to access the desired content, hence recognizing and understanding the error helps in ensuring smooth navigation throughout the site.

  • SEO implications are also a consideration since search engines may de-index pages repeatedly returning 404 errors, thereby affecting the website's search ranking. Keeping this error minimized ensures better SEO results and site visibility.


Common Scenarios Leading to 404 Status


  • The great flexibility Next.js provides, such as the file-based routing system, can sometimes lead to oversights like file naming issues. For instance, the component file not correctly corresponding to the desired route can lead to a 404 response.

  • Dynamic routes in Next.js require specific [variable] syntax within file names to capture dynamic values. Failure to adopt this syntax means the intended paths may not be recognized by the framework.

  • Changes or misconfigurations in the build and deployment settings can cause paths to not resolve as expected, leading to 404 errors during the server response process.


Response to the Error in a Development Environment


  • In a development setting, the Next.js development server not only logs the 404 error but often points toward further detail specific to what resource wasn't found, assisting developers in tracking down the issue.

  • It also provides the opportunity to customize the 404 page, which is handled by creating a 404.js file within the pages directory, allowing developers to present a more user-friendly error page.

  • The feedback from Next.js in development mode can prompt a review of the page or API file structure, ensuring every intended route is correctly mapped to a corresponding file within the project directory.


What Causes Error: The server responded with a status of 404 in Next.js


Common Causes of a 404 Error in Next.js


  • Incorrect Route Configuration: In Next.js, pages are automatically routed based on the file structure in the pages directory. A 404 error can occur if a file is misplaced or if the URL does not match a configured page path. For example, if there's a file pages/about.js but the browser requests /contact, it will result in a 404 error.

  • Missing Dynamic Route Parameters: Next.js supports dynamic routes using brackets notation. If you have a page defined with a dynamic segment like [id].js in a directory, a 404 can occur if the segment is not correctly provided in the URL. For instance, the URL /posts/ when pages/posts/[id].js is set, will return a 404 because [id] is expected.

  • Build or Deployment Issues: Sometimes, Next.js applications may face configuration or build issues that result in missing pages. If certain steps during the build process do not execute correctly, or if file paths change on deployment (e.g., file case sensitivity), this can cause the server to respond with a 404 status code.

  • Server Misconfiguration: Web server configuration misalignments can lead to 404 responses, such as improper routing at the server level (e.g., on Nginx, Apache) where Next.js is not set up to serve the application correctly from the given routes.

  • Removed or Renamed Pages: If a page or component in the pages directory is renamed or deleted without corresponding updates to route definitions or links within the app, users trying to access these routes will encounter a 404 error.

  • Broken Links or Typos: Any typographical errors in hyperlinks within the application can lead to a 404 error. If the internal or external links are not precise, they won’t match any of the existing routes and will return a 404 status code.


// Example of a dynamic route that might return 404
// File: pages/posts/[id].js

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

export default function Post() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { id } = router.query; // Ensure 'id' is not undefined to prevent 404

  return <p>Post: {id}</p>;




  • 404 errors in Next.js generally arise from improper routing definitions, configuration issues, missing route parameters, or removed page files. Reviewing file structure, routes, and server setup is crucial to understanding these errors.


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How to Fix Error: The server responded with a status of 404 in Next.js


Check your Routing Configuration


  • Ensure that the page or API route you are trying to access exists in the `pages` directory. In Next.js, each file in the `pages` directory automatically becomes a route. If you're trying to access `/about`, make sure there's a `pages/about.js` or `pages/about/index.js` file.

  • If you're employing dynamic routes, confirm that your file names are following the correct convention. For instance, a dynamic route like `/posts/[postId]` should map to a file named `[postId].js` within a `posts` directory.


Verify File Naming and Extensions


  • Verify that the file extension of your pages is `.js`, `.jsx`, `.ts`, or `.tsx`. Incorrect file extensions can cause routing issues.

  • File names are case-sensitive on most servers, so ensure your route requests match the case of your file names exactly.


Deploy Configuration


  • When deploying using platforms like Vercel, ensure your build process is correctly set up so that all pages are included in the deployment. Validate that your `next.config.js` does not have mistakes that might cause specific routes to be ignored.

  • If using custom server logic or routing, confirm that the logic matches your Next.js routing setup. Misalignment between server routes and the actual file structure can cause 404 errors.


Check Link and Redirect Logic


  • Inspect all places where you use Next.js's `` component or perform redirects, making sure the paths are correct. Here's an example of using a `` component:

    import Link from 'next/link';

    function HomePage() {
    return (


    export default HomePage;


  • Review any client-side routing logic that uses Next.js's `` component incorrectly, as it can lead to incorrect path setup.


Analyze Build Output


  • Run `next build` and analyze the build output. Make sure all pages are being compiled correctly without errors. The command is as follows:
      next build

  • If certain pages fail during the build, they might not be available, resulting in 404 errors. Fix any build errors to ensure all intended pages are available after deployment.


Use Custom Error Page


  • Create a custom 404 error page to handle not-found routes more gracefully. By placing a file named `404.js` in the `pages` directory, you can customize what users see when they hit a non-existent route:
      function Custom404() {
        return <h1>Oops! This page could not be found.</h1>;
      export default Custom404;

  • This approach ensures that users receive a user-friendly message instead of a default 404 error page.


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