Verify Your Internet and Device Connections
- Ensure that both Ecobee and Alexa devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Consistent network connectivity is crucial for the devices to communicate effectively.
- Check that your internet connection is stable. Restart your router if needed to resolve any connectivity issues.
Update the Alexa App and Ecobee Firmware
- Ensure you have the latest version of the Alexa app on your smartphone. Check the app store for any available updates.
- Verify if there's a firmware update available for your Ecobee thermostat. Most updates happen automatically, but you can manually check through the Ecobee app.
Remove and Re-add the Ecobee Skill in the Alexa App
- Open the Alexa app on your phone.
- Navigate to "Skills & Games" and search for the Ecobee skill.
- Disable the Ecobee skill. Once disabled, re-enable it to re-establish the connection.
- Follow the prompts to log in to your Ecobee account and authorize Alexa.
Check Account Linking
- Ensure that your Ecobee account is correctly linked in the Alexa app. This can be confirmed in the "Linked Accounts" section.
- If issues persist, try unlinking and then relinking your Ecobee account in the Alexa app.
Ensure Proper Device Discovery
- After re-adding the skill, ask Alexa to rediscover devices by saying, "Alexa, discover my devices."
- Wait for Alexa to confirm the discovery of your Ecobee thermostat.
Reset Devices as a Last Resort
- If all else fails, consider performing a factory reset on your Ecobee thermostat. Note that this will erase all settings, so it's a last resort.
- Resetting your Alexa device can also help. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for a complete reset.
Contact Support
- If you're unable to reconnect after trying all the steps, consider contacting Ecobee or Amazon support for further assistance.