Scheduling White Noise on Apple HomePod
To schedule white noise on an Apple HomePod, you can use a combination of the Home app, Shortcuts app, and automations. This method allows you to set a time for your HomePod to play white noise at your desired schedule.
- First, create a playlist of white noise in your Apple Music Library. You can add a white noise track from Apple Music or your own recordings.
- Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the "+" button to create a new shortcut.
- In the first action, tap on "Media" and select "Play Music" or "Play Audio." Choose the white noise playlist you created.
- Now, add another action. Search for "Set Playback Destination," and select your HomePod as the destination device.
- Save the shortcut with a recognizable name like "White Noise." Ensure this shortcut works by testing it manually.
- Open the Home app and tap the + icon. Select "Add Automation" to create a new automation.
- Choose the automation type you want, such as "A Time of Day Occurs." Set the time you want the white noise to start playing.
- When asked to "Set This Device," choose your HomePod from the provided list.
- Select "Run Shortcut" from the list of actions. From the list of shortcuts, choose your "White Noise" shortcut.
- Save your automation, and give it a descriptive name like "Nightly White Noise."
Now, your HomePod will automatically play white noise at the scheduled time. This setup leverages Apple’s ecosystem to automate sounds and offers a seamless way to enjoy ambient noise without manual intervention.